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State-of-the-art object detectors are fast and accurate, but they require a large amount of well annotated training data to obtain good performance. However, obtaining a large amount of training annotations specific to a particular task, i.e., fine-grained annotations, is costly in practice. In contrast, obtaining common-sense relationships from text, e.g., "a table-lamp is a lamp that sits on top of a table", is much easier. Additionally, common-sense relationships like "on-top-of" are easy to annotate in a task-agnostic fashion. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic model that uses such relational knowledge to transform an off-the-shelf detector of coarse object categories (e.g., "table", "lamp") into a detector of fine-grained categories (e.g., "table-lamp"). We demonstrate that our method, RelDetect, achieves performance competitive to finetuning based state-of-the-art object detector baselines when an extremely low amount of fine-grained annotations is available ($0.2\%$ of entire dataset). We also demonstrate that RelDetect is able to utilize the inherent transferability of relationship information to obtain a better performance ($+5$ mAP points) than the above baselines on an unseen dataset (zero-shot transfer). In summary, we demonstrate the power of using relationships for object detection on datasets where fine-grained object categories can be linked to coarse-grained categories via suitable relationships.
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Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) are showing tremendous success on realistic image classification tasks. Notably, their accuracy is similar to the state-of-the-art accuracy obtained by full-precision models tailored to edge devices. In this regard, BNNs are very amenable to edge devices since they employ 1-bit to store the inputs and weights, and thus, their storage requirements are low. Also, BNNs computations are mainly done using xnor and pop-counts operations which are implemented very efficiently using simple hardware structures. Nonetheless, supporting BNNs efficiently on mobile CPUs is far from trivial since their benefits are hindered by frequent memory accesses to load weights and inputs. In BNNs, a weight or an input is stored using one bit, and aiming to increase storage and computation efficiency, several of them are packed together as a sequence of bits. In this work, we observe that the number of unique sequences representing a set of weights is typically low. Also, we have seen that during the evaluation of a BNN layer, a small group of unique sequences is employed more frequently than others. Accordingly, we propose exploiting this observation by using Huffman Encoding to encode the bit sequences and then using an indirection table to decode them during the BNN evaluation. Also, we propose a clustering scheme to identify the most common sequences of bits and replace the less common ones with some similar common sequences. Hence, we decrease the storage requirements and memory accesses since common sequences are encoded with fewer bits. We extend a mobile CPU by adding a small hardware structure that can efficiently cache and decode the compressed sequence of bits. We evaluate our scheme using the ReAacNet model with the Imagenet dataset. Our experimental results show that our technique can reduce memory requirement by 1.32x and improve performance by 1.35x.
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深度学习(DL)模型为各种医学成像基准挑战提供了最先进的性能,包括脑肿瘤细分(BRATS)挑战。然而,局灶性病理多隔室分割(例如,肿瘤和病变子区)的任务特别具有挑战性,并且潜在的错误阻碍DL模型转化为临床工作流程。量化不确定形式的DL模型预测的可靠性,可以实现最不确定的地区的临床审查,从而建立信任并铺平临床翻译。最近,已经引入了许多不确定性估计方法,用于DL医学图像分割任务。开发指标评估和比较不确定性措施的表现将有助于最终用户制定更明智的决策。在本研究中,我们探索并评估在Brats 2019-2020任务期间开发的公制,以对不确定量化量化(Qu-Brats),并旨在评估和排列脑肿瘤多隔室分割的不确定性估计。该公制(1)奖励不确定性估计,对正确断言产生高置信度,以及在不正确的断言处分配低置信水平的估计数,(2)惩罚导致更高百分比的无关正确断言百分比的不确定性措施。我们进一步基准测试由14个独立参与的Qu-Brats 2020的分割不确定性,所有这些都参与了主要的Brats细分任务。总体而言,我们的研究结果证实了不确定性估计提供了分割算法的重要性和互补价值,因此突出了医学图像分析中不确定性量化的需求。我们的评估代码在HTTPS://github.com/ragmeh11/qu-brats公开提供。
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